Sustainable Fisheries
The Asociación Cincahuite and five artisanal fishing cooperatives of Puerto Parada boast many successes over the past two decades. Their grassroots initiative Pesca Limpia (Clean Fishing) ended the use of fishing with dynamite and other explosives in sensitive mangrove habitat while also creating a Community Supported Fishery (CSF) distribution system that connects artisanal fishers directly to consumers.
Yet, challenges remain. The region is one of the poorest in El Salvador, with high rates of illiteracy, underemployment, and limited access to internet connection in what is a largely subsistence local economy. Baseline data on ecological indicators are absent, making an accounting of fish populations and habitat difficult to measure. The government has also faced difficulties allocating resources to effectively manage fisheries, even within a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve like the Jiquilisco Bay.
To both build on the successes of Pesca Limpia and address the remaining challenges, the Jiquilisco Bay Alliance is partnering with the Asociación Cincahuite to launch the first Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) in El Salvador. FIPs are the international standard for bringing fisheries toward sustainability while also increasing the economic wellbeing of fishing communities. This is accomplished through a five-year process setting goals based on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) three fisheries standards:
Sustainable Scale
Minimizing Environmental Impacts
Effective Management