Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration
The Jiquilisco Bay is the largest intact mangrove ecosystem in Central America and essential to mitigating the effects of climate change. Not only do the mangroves themselves protect the coast from erosion and serve as a nursery for countless sea creatures, but mangroves sequester carbon at a rate ten times that of mature tropical rainforests. It could be said that all of Asociación Mangle and Asociación Cincahuites projects are interconnected with the health of the mangroves—however Mangrove Reforestation is highly technical work that aims to restore degraded areas that were once mangrove forests.
In 2023, the Jiquilisco Bay Alliance (JBA) provided $16,000 to Asociación Cincahuite to reforest around 5 acres of degraded mangrove ecosystem. Community organizers held workshops to identify and train participants in the correct techniques and then nearly 50 people came together to plant over 10,000 mangrove seedlings.
Our community partners have already identified areas to restore mangrove ecosystems and have existing relationships with El Salvador’s environmental ministry—Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)—and programmatic support from the Mangrove Action Project (MAP). JBA is working to secure funding for both Asociación Mangle and Cincahuite to continue monitoring and evaluation of existing projects as well as the continued reforestation of areas where mangroves were lost.